Energy Work Balancing & Clearing Sessions

For Mind, Body & Soul Alignment

  • The Center’s Energy Work Sessions will pull from several different modalities depending on the facilitator. These sessions are each uniquely amazing in their own ways and each has various techniques for focusing on the physical and energy body where dis-ease and imbalances can be found.

    Stress, unprocessed emotions and trauma create blockages in our energy systems, and prevent our energy from flowing which creates these imbalances in the physical body. When these imbalances are addressed and cleared, they can prevent disease from showing up as a physical manifestation.

    Studies show that these imbalances can be detected on the energetic level 6-8 months prior to them manifesting in a physical form as pain, illness or other more serious forms.

    Each facilitator at the wellness center is incredibly and beautifully unique in his/her own energy techniques and trainings. Each is amazing and highly trained. Each has committed to upholding our center’s impeccable standards of integrity and ethicality.

    We are confident you will absolutely love whichever facilitator you get to enjoy an energy session with. Click the Image ‘Meet our stellar facilitators’ to learn more about each unique one.