Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Facilitators

‘Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see’ - M. Erickson

To schedule with a specific facilitator please see their bios for the days they work or call the center and we can help get you scheduled with them.

  • I specialize in helping people overcome obstacles, through my expertise in many modalities. Hypnosis is effective for past life regression, stress release, addictions, confidence and much more.

    Rapid Eye Technology is a safe, natural, stress release process RET utilizes blinking, eye movements, breathing, imagery, stress reduction energy work to facilitate release of stressful emotional, mental, physical patterns. Rapid eye movements and release work facilitate rapid healing on all levels to allow you to make new choices for your life.

    EFT along with Psych K are successful and non-invasive interactive processes, tapping energy meridians and muscle testing, simple yet powerful processes to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging.

    If you are ready to commit to improving your life, I’m ready to assist you in the process. I am certified in many modalities and devoted to helping people reclaim their innate power, vitality and wisdom.

    I look forward to working with you soon!

    Patty is Certified through Anthony Robbins Strategic Intervention Life Coaching, The American Council of Hypnosis Examiners, and The Rapid Eye Institute.

  • My name is Mike Lucas and I have been a hypnotist for 3 years through the National Guild of Hypnotists. I was introduced to hypnosis due to my father being a hypnotist for over 20 years. During this time I was able to see how hypnosis can positively change people’s lives. This positive change is what continues to motivate me each day, and I have seen how this practice can assist anyone in bettering their lives. Hypnosis in its basic form is a conversation with your subconscious mind. Through this dialogue we can put emphasis on different activities, senses, smells, tastes, and much more. Hypnosis can help anyone, the important part of hypnosis is the desire for something/anything.

    Some examples of previous client objectives for sessions: wanting to lose weight, stop smoking, drink less, enjoy activities more, increase spirituality, or become more relaxed.

    These things and many more are able to be achieved through hypnosis, the most important part is having the desire and initiative to begin the journey.

    Ultimately, being hypnotized is a journey of self-mastery and it may take a few sessions to be established. The more open and willing you are to change, the greater amount of changes can be made. Everything that we will do will come from within you. Desires and all. It is vital that you approach hypnosis with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a calm demeanor. Coming to sessions with these qualities will provide the most integrative and best response to hypnosis, and with these qualities, I have seen people change their lives.

Yoga/Breathwork services received from the above practitioners are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. The above yoga/breathwork partitioners are not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional. Clients are fully responsible for their well-being during their yoga/breathwork sessions, and subsequently, including their choices and decisions.

Yoga/breathwork is not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and clients agree that they will not use it in place of any form of therapy.