Foot Zoning Facilitators

“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”

~ Leonardo da Vinci

To schedule with a specific facilitator please see their bios for the days they work or call the center and we can help get you scheduled with them.

  • My name is Cynthia and I’m passionate about healing naturally I believe that we are divine and have power to create balance within ourselves and the world to live a fulfilled, healthy happy life. 🤩Foot zoning has been used for thousands of years by Egyptians and many other civilizations like China, India, and Indigenous tribes.

    This is not just a foot massage it’s like a massage for your organs that helps stimulate them, it may help and get an idea of imbalances in the body to bring it closer to balance.🙏🏽

  • Hi I am Shani Gaye, I am a Certified Foot Zone Practitioner.

    I was introduced to Foot Zoning after I had an accident and couldn’t get any pain relief in my foot and ankle, thinking that my friend was crazy for even suggesting it after all no one could touch my foot. The first few sessions she didn’t actually touch my foot, just using energy, after just 3 sessions she was able to not only touch my foot but finally I was able to get some pain relief. Fast forward a year and I was told that I would never work on my feet again, running restaurants and busy catering events all my life at 50 I had to learn something new. Not knowing what I would do next, I decided I would take a Foot Zoning class, after all it could get me by for a while until I realized what I was going to do with the rest of my life. It’s my first day of class where we were taught how to do Zone 1. I knew right then and there it was not going to be a J.O.B., this was my true calling, my passion, being able to help people in a way that I had never thought of before. Not only was it what I wanted to do for the rest of my life but I got to work barefooted. 😊

    In a Full Foot Zone, we access the entire body through the signals in the feet. The whole goal of foot zoning is to help your body get back to a balanced state so your body can do what it is supposed to do on its own. Foot Zoning not only helps with the physical issues that you may be having but mental, spiritual and emotional as well. It really just helps reset everything and who couldn’t use a rest from time to time.

    I also do Ionic Foot DETOX using a very low level of electricity to turn the water to a negative ion while everything in your body is positive. Using osmosis, it pulls toxins from your Gallbladder, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Joints, Lymphatic System, Yeast and Heavy Metals thru 250,000 sweat glands in your feet into the water. Its benefits range from speeding up colds, circulation issues, joint pain or arthritis, often improves sleep, and especially great after antibiotics to get yeast out or for those who suffer from yeast infections or UTIs and MUCH more.